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Claws Mail
3 reviews
7.2 k downloads

Lightning-fast email client

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This email client provides basic tools for obtaining fast results when managing your email account.

It offers a variety of features, including GnuPG and SSL support for secure sending, a detailed contact book, spellcheck, filtering, colored labels, and mail processing to help you set your email up exactly how you want it.

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If one thing sets Claws Mail apart from other email clients, it's speed, as well as the high level of detail to which you can configure your account.

It's not only a good alternative for a webmail client, but for any conventional email client.

Reviewed by Uptodown Content Team Translated by Uptodown Localization Team

Information about Claws Mail

License Free
Op. System Windows
Category Clients
Language English
1 more
Author Claws Mail
Downloads 7,219
Date Jun 17, 2024
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
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Older versions

exe Apr 9, 2022
exe Aug 5, 2021
exe 3.18.0 Jul 22, 2021
exe 3.17.4 Jul 16, 2020
exe 3.9.1 Jun 28, 2013

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3 reviews


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in 2015

The title is displayed in Japanese, but Japanese in the text body remains garbled. You can see it from [View] → [Character Encoding] → [Japanese] → [ISO-2022-JP], but please tell me how to set it when...See more

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